3 The Chase

Ria and Layla reached the market, their eyes wide with anticipation and nerves. The vibrant colors and lively chatter of the vendors enveloped them as they walked through the maze of stalls. They found their way through the crowd, searching for opportunities to help their family in any way they could. Ria glanced around, her gaze falling upon a fruit stand at the corner of the market. "Layla, maybe I can offer to help this vendor with carrying their produce. It might earn me a few coins," she suggested, pointing discreetly towards the stand. Layla nodded, her eyes scanning the area for a potential target. She spotted a bakery nearby and a mischievous smile tugged at her lips. "Alright, Ria. Just be careful, and don't draw too much attention. I'll see if I can grab some bread and pastries from that bakery over there." While Ria had intentions of helping vendors in other to make money, Layla on the other hand had a different idea. Ria took a deep breath, relaxing her herself from the moment of stress she was about to get herself in, before approaching the fruit vendor. "Excuse me, sir," she said politely, "I noticed you have quite a load to carry. Would you like some assistance?" The vendor, a middle aged man with weathered hands and a kind smile, looked at Ria with surprise. "Well, I could use a hand, young lady. Thank you for offering." He stared at Ria all through. It seemed like he was astonished at her beauty. He wondered what an Elites daughter was doing at the market, all alone. Ria took full advantage of her good looks, but they could draw unnecessary attention to herself at times. Ria beamed, her heart soaring at the chance to help. She began loading crates of fruits onto a cart, carefully balancing them as she followed the vendor through the market. As they moved, Ria felt proud of herself for finally being able to make money for the family. She then turned her attention somewhere else. It was her younger sister, skillfully slipping past the bakery entrance, her nimble fingers grabbing a few loaves of bread and a small bag of pastries. Meanwhile, Layla's heart raced as she made her way back towards Ria and the fruit vendor. She clutched the stolen goods tightly, praying she wouldn't be caught. This was her first time taking something that wasn’t hers. She tried to make herself believe she wasn’t doing something wrong. “It’s not called stealing, I’m only borrowing it… for the good of my family.” but just as she neared the fruit cart, a commotion erupted nearby. "Stop! Thief!" The cry echoed through the market, drawing the attention of the shoppers and vendors alike. Panic surged through Layla's veins as she realized the voice belonged to a police officer. She saw the gleam of a badge and the determined expression on the officer's face. "Ria, run!" Layla shouted, her voice filled with urgency. Two traders had finally agreed on a deal and just as one was about to receive his money in a small magic bag, Layla took hold of it as she sprinted through. Both traders were shocked for a moment. Their minds couldn’t process what had just happened at the moment. Soon the other trader stared at the other angrily. “You did this… you set me up.” He grabbed his collars. “Give me back my money, this instant!” The other man yelled back as he spanked him. “You moron! I don’t even know the lad.” He said, “you’ve just been robbed by that kid.” Ria’s eyes widened, and she instinctively dropped the crate she was carrying. “Oh no! Layla…” The fruit spilled onto the ground, forgotten, as she and Layla sprinted through the market, dodging startled shoppers and weaving through narrow alleyways. The fruit vendor saw this, he wanted to cry but he couldn’t. He stared at his fruits, all ruined. “You goddamn Elite kids!! My fruits!!” The old man yelled at the police men who were on standby. “Well, what are you looking at you good for nothing cops! Go-go, don’t just stand there. Put those spoilt Elite kids behind bars. We don’t pay taxes for you to fool around!” The old cleaned his mouth after he coughed. “Damn, this city won’t be the last of me.” The police men chased after Layla and Ria. The two traders were still arguing before the other took back his goods. “You aren’t getting shit until we catch that girl with my money.” He said, “now move your lazy ass!” Layla and Ria were on the run, their hearts pounded in their chests as they raced against time, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. The sounds of their pursuers grew louder, spurring them on even faster. Ria couldn’t believe that they were being chased by angry people, she couldn’t imagine being caught. Layla on the other hand was scared. She had never stolen before but even at that, a part of her praised herself for being so good at slipping through shops. She smiled before she realized there were angry people closing in on her. "Keep going, Layla! Don't stop!" Ria urged, her voice filled with fear. Layla's legs burned, but she pushed herself harder, her mind focused solely on escaping the clutches of the pursuing police officers and the angry traders. She glanced back and saw them gaining ground, their uniforms a blur in the distance. Suddenly, a narrow alleyway appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Layla made a split-second decision and veered into it, praying it would lead them to safety and back to their home. The alley was dimly lit, with laundry hanging overhead and crates stacked haphazardly against the walls. They ran through the labyrinthine alley, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Layla's heart pounded in her ears as she desperately tried to remember the way out. She was following Ria at some point but she soon overtook her and was leading the way. “Please be the right way, please.” She whispered. Finally, she saw a glimmer of light at the end of the alley, signaling their escape. With a burst of energy, they burst out onto a familiar street, blending seamlessly into the crowd. Their pursuers were nowhere in sight, lost in the maze of the market. Did they just turn around the market? They checked their surroundings and discovered they were back to the entrance of the market. “Ria! Quick, your scarf.” Layla signaled her sister. There were signs of patrolling officers who didn’t seem to be part of their earlier chase. Both sisters walked through the crowd cautiously. Breathing heavily, Layla and Ria slowed their pace, mingling with the people around them as if nothing had happened. They exchanged a brief glance, their eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and exhilaration. "We made it," Layla whispered, a triumphant smile tugging at her lips. Ria grinned back, her voice filled with pride. "We sure did, Layla. We're a team, remember? We'll face any challenge that comes our way." Just as they conversed, Ria noticed their pursuers had just come out of the narrow road they followed. She urged her sister to keep moving. Layla knew they were not yet safe. There was a big crowd so it was easier for Layla and Ria to disappear in the middle. As they continued through the market, their stolen goods tucked safely away, Layla and Ria walked back home. They could talk to their father about their journey but if their mom was around, they were going to be forced to spill their secrets.

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