12 Reflections in the Garden

12  Reflections in the Garden Emma, initially seeking solitude in her room, changed her course to the tranquil backyard gardens after her encounter with Alex. The banquet, though in her honor, served more as a platform for her family's associates to network and seek favors. Preferring solitude, the quiet gardens offered her a much-needed respite. As she settled into the serene environment, Jada's voice broke the silence. "Found you at last! What's got you hiding out here?" she inquired, her tone playful yet concerned. "Just seeking some peace," Emma replied, appreciating the calm. "Weren't you planning to rest?" Jada, ever vigilant, explained her return upon realizing Emma's absence. She then mentioned seeing Alex engrossed in a phone call, likely with Bella. Emma internally acknowledged the likely truth of Jada's observation. Jada expressed her disdain for Bella, suspecting the online reports about her were true. Emma, with a wry smile, confirmed the authenticity o

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