Chapter1 Rebirth

Dying didn’t spell immediate death for everyone; Aurelia discovered it in a way just as you might expect. A gunshot to the head by an unknown assailant, with her cousin's sinister smile leering from behind. It flattered Aurelia to know she deserved this way of death, it meant she was important enough to warrant quick murder to get her to shut up faster. As she left the world, Aurelia was consumed by an endless darkness – an abyss that seemed like an empty path to hell, one that eventually faded into nothingness. How strange, why did the path disappear? The next moment, Aurelia’s eyes opened with a gasp for a breath of fresh air after seemingly drowning. Wide awake, squinting against the warm light of the ornate room. There were dead bodies around, lying in pools of blood. The crimson liquid had found its way to her own body, dying her elegant white bridal gown with mortality. That gruesome sight wasn’t even the most astonishing thing about all this. Why was Aurelia even alive? Scuffles resounded from outside the room, sounds of shouting and shots echoing through the corridors. Aurelia had no time to philosophize the fact that she was alive once again. She groggily pushed herself up, crumpling the dress up to her torso as she stumbled forward. Before she could hide herself, the door flew open. A gun was aimed at her, the shooter pulling at the trigger with no room for talk. Aurelia’s reflexes suddenly kicked in as she swiftly leaped out of harm's way. Her agile hands snatched a nearby vase, and without hesitation, she hurled it toward the shooter's direction. “Argh! You bitch!” The shooter exclaimed in anger when the vase shattered against his body. He struggled to aim his gun at her again, but the distraction was enough time for Aurelia to lunge towards him. She forcefully chopped at his wrist before tackling him to the ground. “Fuck!” He cried out in pain when Aurelia pushed him down on his chest to the cold floor. She reached out for the gun that had slid a few feet away, reversing the situation as she pressed it against his head. “Who sent you here?” She demanded. Her voice was soft and delicate, but it dripped with an unsaid threat. “You think I’d tell?” He laughed with much struggle. “Just you wait when I get my hands on y-” Bang. Aurelia hated wasting time the most. If this person wasn’t going to talk, she was going to seek out someone who could provide the information she needed. Torture wasn’t her thing, but swift elimination was. As she checked the round of bullets left in the gun, Aurelia’s thoughts raced as the staggering weight of the situation began to slowly sink in. It was unfathomable - she had already died. The sensation of the bullet tearing through her, the darkness enveloping her, and the cold grip of death itself had been all too real. So why was she here, again, transported back five years into her past life? It was even during her disastrous wedding, no less. Aurelia let out a weary sigh as she massaged her throbbing forehead. Ah, being dead might have been a little better. The circumstances surrounding her and the world of Esparia’s elite were just too chaotic and troublesome. But then again… The haze of disbelief finally began to lift, a glimmer of mischief flickering in her eyes at the epiphany that found its way to her all too quickly. Aurelia realized that being here, back in the past, with the advantage of the things she knew five years into the future, presented an unexpected opportunity. Wasn’t this simply the chance to right the wrongs, to seek justice, and perhaps, to avenge herself against those who had wronged her? Aurelia made up her mind as she trudged down the brightly lit corridor of the majestic wedding venue, her once pristine bridal gown now stained with blood. She looked like a demon who had crawled out of hell - and considering her death, that may as well be the case. Her heart pounded in her chest, a relentless reminder of the absolutely exciting decision she had just made. The urgent voices and the clamor of running feet echoed through the hallway, snapping Aurelia back to the present. Her grip tightened on the gun in her hand, knuckles turning white as she slowly walked down the abrupt turn of the corridor. Aurelia didn’t exactly know what happened during this wedding in her past life. She had been unconscious after being led away by her bridesmaids and escaping to that room filled with massacred guests. She only woke up when the event had passed, so she never knew what exactly happened. However, this time was different. Aurelia had woken up instead of remaining unconscious, and her presence had probably altered the unfolding events; hence, the shooter who came to attack her. The approaching footsteps grew louder and closer. Aurelia, her back straightening with unwavering resolve, emerged from the corner and boldly revealed herself. She held her gun steady, aiming it at the advancing group of people with a cold gaze. “Aurelia.” What a surprise. A familiar but insincere smile curled against her lips. “Maximus.” At the end of her gunpoint stood her husband, the enigmatic Maximus Dante Castellan, the powerful current head of the Castellan clan with legal and illegal empires in Esparia. He was still dressed in his stately groom’s suit, with close to no bloody stain at all like Aurelia had on her gown. Even amid the tragic turn of events, he retained an air of regal charm that had drawn her to him in the first place. His dark, fox-shaped eyes, sharp jawline, and chiseled features were as captivating as ever. However, a subtle look of surprise and annoyance etched across his handsome face. It was no doubt because of Aurelia’s audacious act of calling him by his first name, a breach of the formalities that he silently enacted since he preferred to be addressed with his second name. If it was like before, Aurelia would never have dared to take him lightly. Things were different now, and she had no reason to pretend to be as naive and soft-hearted as she used to be. “Aurelia, how dare you disrespect Dante?!” Ah, Aurelia had not noticed her presence until she spoke. Aurelia sneered as her clear eyes fell on the woman behind Dante – the woman she despised to her core. It was none other than Annalise Vivienzo, her cousin from her mother's side, the very same murderous traitor who had put her out of her misery in another life. Aurelia chuckled. Maybe she should be thankful to her instead for giving her this chance to retaliate. “What a faithful husband, so caring towards his bride’s family. Thank you for being kind enough to keep my cousin safe, Maximus.” Aurelia displayed an air of nonchalance as she aimed her gun squarely at Annalise, her finger poised gently on the trigger. Annalise's eyes widened with terror as she instinctively clung to Dante, seeking refuge from the imminent danger. Dante’s expression darkened with a frown as he took a step forward, attempting to mediate the escalating tension. He began to warn her, “Aurelia, you don’t understand what you're-” Before he could finish his sentence, the deafening sound of a gunshot pierced the air. “Ahhh!” Annalise’s terrified scream filled the corridor Aurelia finally dropped her gun, a haunting laughter escaping her lips as she casually stepped away from her husband. Her laughter was tinged with a cold, unsettling amusement. “Aurelia!” Dante’s voice thundered, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. He hastily turned toward Annalise, his features contorted with concern that eventually turned into confusion when he saw that Annalise was unharmed. But at her feet, the truth lay in grim detail. The man Aurelia had shot cleanly in the head now lay lifeless, dressed like the other assailants. It was glaringly obvious that he had intended to sneak up on them, concealed by the chaos. “I suppose,” Aurelia began, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “even you, Dante, can make mistakes.” She paused, letting the weight of her words settle in the air like a leaden shroud. Her gaze shifted to Annalise, whose face contorted with anger. “You see, dear cousin,” Aurelia continued, her tone taking on an icy edge, “you haven’t even noticed that the shooter was about to turn your pretty little head into a grotesque mess of blood and bone.” Annalise’s face twisted into an ugly expression. “You…” “Well, whatever,” Aurelia replied dismissively as she briskly walked past the two. Her peculiar behavior left Dante with a furrowed brow. As for whether he was irked or concerned, Aurelia didn’t bother to find out. “Aurelia, where are you going?” He asked in that demanding tone of his. “Home,” she answered without looking back. “I’m tired.” Dante couldn’t hide his desire to make things go his way, urging her to stay. “Then wait for me, I’ll call the butler.” “No need,” She insisted. “I’m going back to the Di Angelis residence.” Dante's insistence grew stronger for some reason. “You should be coming with me.” Aurelia took a momentary pause. Her eyes locked onto her husband's with a hint of mischief. She sent him a sly wink. “There’s no need to be so formal," she teased, her tone shifting playfully. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll let you have your time with that woman. After all, I’m just a good obedient wife who believes her husband can do whatever he wants.”
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