Chapter 1: To Find A Husband

The familiar ring of Olivia's phone disrupted the quiet ambiance of the bookstore she co-owned with her friend Angela. She glanced at the caller ID and frowned as she saw her elder sister's name, Emma Wilson, flashing on the screen. Emma never called her when she was at work. "Olivia, listen carefully," Emma's urgent voice spilled through the phone, making Oliva frown. I was at Dad's dad's the other day." "Why were you over there?" Olivia's frown deepened. The last thing she wanted to hear was that her sister was seeing their father again. "Listen, okay? Dad is cooking up another one of his schemes. He's planning an arranged marriage for you." Olivia Paused and scoffed, "He set you up with that pig for an investment; what, three years later, his business still needs investing? He should know he only has two daughters; what will he do when his business fails next time? If he can't do business, he should get out of the scene," Emma sighed, a bitter edge to her words. "I know, Liv. But it would help if you didn't go through what I did. Dad's only thinking about his business gains." Olivia took a deep breath. "He's doing this again? After Mom died, he remarried and practically abandoned us; what right does he have to make me marry someone for his business?" She went around the shelf to her usual sleeping spot on the couch and sat to rest her legs. "I know, Liv. He's focused on his new family, and it's as though we exist just to be sold to the highest bidder. You need to put your foot down and refuse this marriage," Emma insisted. Olivia could tell she did not want her to become like her; she had to live with the disgrace of a human being for a husband. A dangerous look flashed through Olivia's eyes, "You are the only one soft-hearted enough to marry a stranger because he cried that his business was over. What does his business have to do with me? He should look up and sample the sun. It is the 21st century, and I want to see how he will get me to the altar. Thanks for the heads up, Emma." As Olivia ended the call, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "There are many ways to get someone to the alter without their consent." Startled, she looked up to find a young man standing by the corner of a shelf, a slight smile in his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but your conversation sounded intense," Olivia offered a faint smile. "It's fine; I should not have been disturbing the quiet. It's a family drama. Nothing unusual." The man extended his hand. "I'm Eric White. You're Olivia, right?" She shook his hand, recalling his face. It was not unusual for him to stop by the bookstore almost daily, "Yes," she answered. Though they had never talked, he was quite a fixture in the bookstore. Angela even said once that he only came during Olivia's shifts and must have come to see her. He leaned against the shelf, thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, I have seen someone take over a child's custody to get the mother to walk down the aisle. One friend of mine had his life's work held ransom to force him to marry. It is possible; it depends on how much of a jerk the other is and their imagination," he said. "He is a jerk, alright," she muttered. "Or how much you have to lose," he continued. "What did he do, then? Your friend, I mean." "He got married the night before the wedding. He held the wedding and returned to work after the marriage was signed. But when they went to file the marriage, he was already married, and polygamy was illegal in that state." Olivia raised an eyebrow, both surprised and intrigued, "Polygamy is Illegal over here too." There was a bit of mischief in her eyes. Eric's eyes darkened. "If you are looking for a husband, my price is very reasonable," he joked. "I have money; you won't starve," she said, and his handsome face grew a smile. "I am a big eater; you will go bankrupt," he joked, but she got up and shuffled closer. "It's fine, I can cook," she answered. She did not know if the idea was too good or if she was just seduced by this godly face Eric carried. "Are you proposing to me?" Mischief danced in his deep-set hazel eyes. Olivia hesitated, the idea of rebelling against her father appealing and valuable. It was not as though she did not know her marriage had more than one benefit; she could fight for property using it. Since her father would not let them go, she would not let him have peace. "You are free, right? Are you in the market for a wife?" she asked. Eric leaned closer, a spark of joy in his eyes. "I am in the market for a cat, but a wife would do." Olivia seemed lost in his eyes, forgetting what she was saying. He grinned a hint of mystery in his gaze. "If you are still interested, we could meet tomorrow; now that I think about it, a wife would be amazing," Intrigued and cautious, Olivia bit her lip and nodded. "Hand me your phone," she said, and he obeyed. Olivia quickly exchanged contact with him and handed it over. He looked down to find her number saved as Wifey, and his eyes darkened slightly. "Cheeky," he said. You cook, I have a mansion, and we are set." "You will call me, right?" she pouted pitifully, and he resisted the urge to pinch her cheek. Eric leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Once you're married, you belong to my family. It's a chance to break free from your father's influence. It is illegal to marry someone's wife." He could not help himself and raised his hands to her oily hair. It was as soft as he had thought it would be. Olivia was taken aback by his action. "It is dangerous, too. Someone could get killed. " But she was feeling brave today. "What, you are going to tear him to shreds? I always wanted to be a trophy wife." She joked. They did not seem to notice how close they were to each other. "Marrying on my terms will make my father enter an early grave," she said. Eric's eyes sparkled with mischief. "If you get married on your terms, it not only thwarts your father's plans but also messes with his expectations. Besides, I don't like to share." Olivia's breath froze in her windpipe. She thought she was seducing him, but he was seducing her. She swallowed her saliva. Was this even about her father? He leaned in, but she did not retreat. Someone cleared her throat at that moment, and Olivia returned to her senses and put some distance between them. It was Angela. "Please respect the public space; you can't take your clothes off here," she said, and Olivia's face burned red.
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