Chapter 1

  Vera Qin sat on a cold chair in the hospital waiting room. She had a miserable expression on her face. Her heart was filled with sorrow.   Her father had died on the spot. Her mother had multiple organ damage, and was fighting for her life. Although her younger sister was not seriously injured, she had been severely traumatized by the bloody scene, and had fallen into a catatonic depression.   It was determined that her father was at fault for the car accident. As the new head of their family, the responsibility of compensating the family of the victims fell on Vera.   This sudden blow was enough to collapse Vera‘s body and mind, but this was just the tip of the iceberg.   Her father’s company had gone bankrupt and owed huge foreign debts. The creditors had all found the hospital, and incessantly hounded Vera Qin after learning of her father’s death.   She had ran out of tears, and sat staring blankly into the distance. A nurse approached her.   “Miss Qin, please pay your mother and sister’s hospitalization fees as soon as possible. If you don’t, we will have to stop the treatment.”   Slowly, she turned her head to face the nurse. “I'll figure out a solution.”   There was no way Vera could pay the hospital bills immediately, not to mention the compensation for the dead and injured and the huge debt left by her father. Even if she were to sell her own organs, it would merely be a drop in the bucket.   Even though she felt powerless, she still has to try her best to find a way. No one was willing to help her now. The only person she could think of was Morris Chu, her boyfriend.   “Momo...”   She didn’t know what to say.   “What’s up?   Morris’s voice came from the other end of the phone.   Vera Qin swallowed her self-esteem. “ mother is sick. I need to borrow money now. I...”   Speaking out about her predicament wasn’t easy for a proud woman such as her. But before she’d even finished speaking, Morris’s cold voice came from the other side.   “Money? Are you borrowing money from me? Or are you trying to scam me?”   “Scam you? Morris, what do you mean by that?”   His words made Vera‘s blood run cold.   Was he calling her a liar? Had she done something to make Morris Chu think so?   “Stop pretending, Vera Qin. You have revealed your true colors, and even now you’re still acting, you shameless woman. Could it be karma, what happened to your mother?”   “Momo, I don’t understand what you’re talking about, I don’t--”   Suddenly, he cut her off. “Vera Qin, I tell you that even if your family is ruined, I won’t give you a cent. ”   She could hear that Morris was very angry. It seemed that he already knew of her family’s situation. Everyone seemed to have abandoned her. Even the man she loved the most was anxious to cut all ties with her.   But he was all that she had left. She desperately wanted to hold on to him.   However, just as she gathered her wits to try and convince him that she wasn’t out to scam him, she heard a woman’s voice in the background.   “Honey, the bath water is ready. It’ll get cold if you don’t come in now. Hurry up, I’ll wait for you in the tub.”   She knew that voice. It was the voice of Judith Song. Vera had a sinking feeling at the pit of her stomach.   “Morris...”   “No point hiding it from you, I guess,” Morris Chu said. “Anyway, I was just about to tell you, it’s over between us. I never really loved you anyway.”   Morris’s words cut her heart into little pieces.   “When you called me a liar, did it come from her?”   “Yes, she told me. What are you going to do? Threaten her? Vera, I warn you, she is my girlfriend now. You don’t want to cross me. Leave her alone.”   With that, he hung up. Was this really the man she had fallen in love with? It sounded nothing like him.   Desperate and alone, Vera’s world was shattered.   ...   In the VIP room, Sean Qiao, who had been in a coma for three days, finally woke up.   His head was wrapped in gauze. His face had a few scratches on it. His brows were furrowed as he suffered from a headache, but still he looked strong and imposing.   Sean sat up. “Why does my head hurt so much?” His sister, Shelley Qiao hurried to the bedside and exclaimed, “Thank God, you finally woke up!”   Silence.   “Your driver is dead.”   “Damn it.”   Sean Qiao was visibly upset. “I want the perpetrator to pay a painful price.”   “Sean, the perpetrator is also dead. It was George Qin.”   “George Qin?   Sean Qiao was shocked. How could it be? Was it intentional, or was it a coincidence?   “That’s right, it’s George Qin. His wife and daughter were also in the car with him. Mr. Qin was speeding because he was trying to run away. He was in a lot of debt. He hit you at the airport highway, trying to catch a flight. The police said he was going too fast, and Mr. Qin lost control. His car broke through the high-speed barrier and hit your car.”
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