Chapter 3 Secret Support

Amelia felt the weight of her secret pressing down on her as she navigated the challenges of her pregnancy. The once supportive workplace had transformed into a battleground, with Ethan's hostility growing each day. She decided to confide in those she could trust—the friends and family who had always been her pillars of strength. One rainy evening, as the city lights blurred through her tear-filled eyes, Amelia sat with her friends, Ty and Grace, in the cozy corner of their favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air, creating a comforting atmosphere. "What's wrong with Ethan lately? He has it out for me these days." Ty slurped his coffee and inhaled dramatically. "One of these days, I'm going to crumble under all that work and pressure. He does not treat anyone else the way he treats me." Ty shook his head and frowned. Grace laughed, her laughter a comforting sound to Emily's ears. She would miss easy-going Grace and her optimistic approach to life. Grace swatted Ty's arm playfully, a small sneer dancing on the corner of her lips. "You take breaks more than anyone else in the department. He probably noticed. I'd say you're getting what you deserve." She stuck out a tongue at Ty. Ty rolled his eyes. "I have the smoothest skin amongst all of you guys slaving away behind your computer's all day, everyday. Eat fruits and avoid unnecessary stress. It's my motto, everyone knows that." Ty countered. "Let's see how you avoid these new 'unnecessary stress'." Grace made air quotes and looked to Amelia for backup. "Tell him, Amelia. He's your husband after all. He must have complained about Ty." "This is the reason you're curling up in bed during the weekend reading boring books and watching documentaries. You're no fun." Ty snapped back, but amusement lingered in his eyes. Grace, noticing the sadness in Amelia's eyes, gently asked, "What's going on, Amelia? You seem so distant lately." Amelia took a deep breath, her hands nervously fidgeting with the coffee cup. "Grace, I need to tell you something. Something I haven't shared with anyone else apart from my sister." Concern etched across Grace face, she replied, "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Ty leaned in; his face deadly serious. "I'm getting fired, aren't I?" That brought a small smile to her face. It was hard to think about Ty as the father of her kids. He was gay, and she wondered why Ethan didn't realize that. His blames were ficitious. Amelia hesitated for a moment, then began recounting the struggles she faced at work, Ethan's cold demeanor, and the pressure to terminate her pregnancy. As she spoke, Grace's eyes widened with shock and anger. "He can't treat you like this, Amelia! And telling you to end your pregnancy? That's just heartless," Ty exclaimed. "It's worse than that Ty. He thinks you're the father." Amelia said, and for some reason it sounded so funny now that she said out loud that she chuckled at the thought. "You're gay for crying out loud." She said, catching her breath. "Girl, I think he's been going through it lately. Or maybe, he's facing some financial issues? Did you ask?" Ty asked, amused as well. "The man is made of gold literally. It's impossible." Amelia said rolling her eyes. "Maybe he's cheating?" "Don't say that. I've seen the way he looks at you. We all know the way he adores you." Grace leaned in. "Last week, I overheard Taylor telling the guy in HR that Ethan fired someone in Marketing for calling you fat." Amelia fell silent and then groaned. "Then what is it?" Her frustration was clearly shown on her face. "How? What went wrong then? I tried to communicate with him, but he's ignoring me." "So, what are you going to do?" Ty asked, furrowing his brows. Amelia nodded, grateful for her friend's support. "I've decided to keep the babies, Ty, but I don't know how to escape this nightmare. I feel trapped." Ty and Grace squeezing Amelia's hand, reassured her, "You're not alone in this. We'll find a way out. You deserve better." Amelia had not wanted to let them in on the other cruel things he said, but she felt they had a right to know, especially if she was to leave. Her face fell. "There's more. He wants me out of the house and has cut me off from my savings. I've decided to sell a few of my things. Emily's helping me out with that. She leaves for Canada in a few weeks, she's already gotten her student visa, but that leaves me. I'm worried I won't be able to get a visa in time." Grace smiled. "I may have a solution for that." Together, they hatched a plan. Grace's brother, Jake, who worked in cybersecurity, became a crucial ally. Late nights turned into secret meetings as they plotted Amelia's escape from Ethan's control. Jake, with his tech-savvy skills, ensured that every move they made remained hidden from prying eyes. Soon, Amelia got her visa without having to wait longer than she had to. As the plan unfolded, Amelia sought comfort in the embrace of her friends, Grace and Ty. Emily sat across from Amelia in her small, rented apartment. They sat on the worn-out couch in Emily's living room, one evening, surrounded by flickering candlelight. There was apparently a blackout in lower Manhattan. Emily with a knowing smile, asked, "What's the big secret, Amelia? You've been acting like a secret agent lately." Amelia chuckled, a mix of relief and nervousness in her voice. "I need to get away from Ethan, Em. It's not just about me anymore; it's about these little ones." She gently cradled her growing belly. Emily's eyes widened, realizing the gravity of the situation. "You got the visa, didn't you? Oh!!" Emily exclaimed and pulled her sister into a hug. "I have been so worried. We'll finally be able to leave together, Amelia." Amelia nodded, gratitude filling her heart for the friends and family who stood by her side. "I can't thank you enough for being here, Emily, unlike dad." Her face fell. "I know he wants nothing to do with me, but sometimes I worry about leaving him all alone." Emily shrugged. She had no love for their father. "The man's built like a rock. He'll be fine. Right now, we have to focus on the babies." Emily pulled her sister into a tight hug. Her face was hard and determined, "I've got your back, Amelia. You're not alone in this." The plan solidified as more allies joined the cause. Amelia's cousin, Lily, a skilled makeup artist, worked on altering Amelia's appearance to throw off any potential pursuers. They created a new identity, a shield against the storm that awaited them. One crisp morning, with the city shrouded in dawn's soft glow, the plan went into action. Amelia, with her heart pounding, left her apartment, knowing she wouldn't return. Lily's disguise was a masterful transformation, concealing Amelia's identity while instilling a newfound sense of hope. In the shadows, Jake monitored every digital trace, erasing any breadcrumbs that could lead Ethan to Amelia. The support network, once hidden in plain sight, was now a force to be reckoned with. As Amelia and her allies weaved through the labyrinth of escape, a profound sense of empowerment enveloped her. The journey ahead was uncertain, but the warmth of friendship and family fueled her determination. With every step, Amelia moved closer to a new beginning, away from the CEO's cold embrace, towards a haven where the love she craved for herself, and her unborn twins awaited. The secret support that had flourished in the shadows now propelled her towards the light of freedom and hope. The clock ticked away the seconds as Amelia's journey unfolded, reaching a thousand words that marked the turning point in her life—a life she was determined to reclaim, no matter the obstacles in her path.

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