Chapter 19 This sensations…it feels like…

CRIMSON LUCA I turn around after I sit correctly, she also arose from the floor and turn around. I look on my hand. That softness, it s been a while since I feel this kind of feelings when I touches a woman s breast. "Uhm, I m sorry. I didn t mean that to—happen?" We both face each other closely. We both turn around again. 'Oh goodness sake! What kind of awkwardness is this?! "I know. Let s say, you win. I will go to the restroom." "Okay."-I said and stood up. I give her my hand. She held them and I held her up. "You should start changing your underwear wardrobes. Your…that—I mean your bra is thin. It doesn t fit for—your size." "Ahm…I know, I choose buying these because they re cheaper. I need to save up, remember? And mister, it rude to say that to a woman."-she said. "Oh yes, you are saving up. I m sorry. Go and get changed. I ll change my clothes here."-I said. She nodded and leave in a quick manner. 'I guess we have to go and shop for her underwears. I knew she will hesitate to you re her credit card. I better initiate first so she will use the card that I gave to her. "Lingerie shop? And why you drag me here?"-she ask. I drag her inside the shop. "Welcome to the Queen s lingerie."-the saleswoman. "Thank you."-she said. I look around. "Wait, $500?! Seriously?!"-she said. The saleswoman giggled a little because of her cute reaction. "Do you like that?"-I said. She is holding a set of undies. She put them back on where she take it. "Let s get out of here. How can this world be this cruel. I can t believe how expensive things are. My head aches because of it."-she mumbled. That made me laugh. I took the pair that she picks. "Just pick on your own or should I pick for you?" I end up browsing and pick something for her. I also saw some nightgowns. I drag her there after putting the underwear s in the cart. "No, I don t need that. I have my pajama s remember?"-she said. I still bring two and in the counter, our employees are smiling because they saw what I wanted to portray about this marriage of mine. When lunch came, three of us eats alone. Greg and his family is on the other table and my best friend and the Reid s are with Tristan. "After this, make sure that the two of you will bring me an offspring as soon as possible."-grandpa. ROSELYN JENSEN-LUCA I knew his grandpa will ask that matter. But I guess I can still go to school even if I m pregnant. I have a husband anyway. I smiled. "Understood Sir Robert." "Ahem! Call me grandpa, try to be at ease calling me that from now on, Roselyn."-he said. I nodded. "Understood, grandpa."-I said. I still feel like I am in my dream where you wake up then when you sleep again the dream continues. "Just let us deal with the awkwardness first, grandpa We need to be at ease with each others presence. We will give you your desire as soon as we can."-he said. "Just make sure that you two will do your part in my household."-he said. I gulp. I feel like I am eating with two enemies striking on each other than eating with a family member. I cough to break the awkwardness and put some water in their glasses. "Why don t we start having a close relationship? I have to be honest, I am already scared to each of you. Please refrain being stiff, distant and cold. It s already winter, grandpa and Crimson."-I said. They look at me with a serious gazes. I drink some water. "Seriously, you two, have you ever smiled in your life? I mean when you speak to each other. I m sorry for being blunt but honestly? I feel like you two are not family members of each other, you are like enemies." "We are like this ever since. Nothing is wrong with this."-he said. I sigh and my shoulder drops. "I knew it, don t tell me even your dad is a frowny face?"-I ask him. He shook his head. "My father is a happy person. He loves making people laugh especially when he is in our house." "Wow. I didn t expect that as your answer. Let s drop that conversation. But guys, I hope that the two of you also laugh and smile genuinely especially inside your home. I only saw you two smile when you speak to your employee s, colleagues or business partners." "Because we need to smile, Roselyn."-grandpa. "Then you have to smile more and laugh more when you are with your family. They re the greatest gift that is given to us. The world might forsaken us but our family? No. There are incidents that our enemies will be our own family, relatives and close friends but it is still proven that family stays together." "Is this a lunch time or a lecturing time?" "Huh? I m sorry, maybe because I just wanted that this family will be more closer like what other family does. Anyway, I am just giving my opinion. I m sorry if I cross the line."-I said. This going to be a rough times. ALONA REID He make an excuse and went to the comfort room, my mom and dad suddenly speaks. "That doctor, he seems to be wanting an approval from us. Tell me sweetie, you two are dating now?" "Not yet mom. Maybe we are on the getting to know stage. After all, I wanted to know him more so that I can fit in his world. He might be a decade older than me but I can sense his sincerity and his honesty." "I know how to read the same sex as mine, sweetie. Tristan is serious about you because he meets us and talk to us even if your not dating yet, officially." "Thanks dad if you think that he is a good man." "But sweetie, you should know your limitations." "Yes, mom. Don t worry."-I said. "Our baby is really a grown up now. Time flew so fast. I still remember how we struggled with sleepless nights in taking care of her but now? She might start a family of her own soon."-mom. "Mom! You are overreacting again."-I said. "But your mom is right. Sweetie, we trust you and if you need our advice just tell us okay?"-dad. "Thanks, you two. I appreciate it."-I said. Later on when we arrive on the port, he said that he will send us back. "We will leave the two of you here. We will go upstairs."-mom. I nodded and smile. I ask the maid to bring us some food on the gazebo in the garden. "Tell me, what your parents say about me? Be honest, Alona."-he said. I smiled. "Relax, they said that they re impressed because you showed yourself to them even if we are not officially dating yet and we are still in the courting stage." "Oh, good thing. I thought they re thinking that I m too old for you."-he said. I laugh a bit. "That s ridiculous. Yes, you are a decade older than me but your looks didn t tell me so. Anyway, relax and don t be a nervous buddy. My mom and dad is strict but they re not unreasonable. If you are serious about me then you shouldn t be afraid. Gain their respect instead."-I said. He smiled. "That s what I m doing as of this moment. Thank you, by the way."-he said. "For what?"-I ask. "Well, for trying to know me better. Actually this is the first time that I court a woman. I typically get my woman for a couple of days." "Then, this will be your experienced. I tell you honestly, I like you but I m not like the any other girl whom you can have easily."-I said. He smiled to agree. ROSELYN JENSEN-LUCA When we arrive in the mansion, I never expected that he is serious when he said that we will live in the same room. Dina is the one who confirm that for me. "Dina, did you already put her things in my room?" "Yes, Sir. Don t worry I have clean your room." "Thank you. Don t disturb us until dinner is ready." "Understood, Sir Crimson."-she said "Let go upstairs."-he said. I didn t even say a word because he drag me already. When he opens his room, I was surprised because it was different from my room where I sleep for a week. "Your room has a second floor?"-I ask. "Yes, that is where our bed lies and the walk-in closet as well. Here is the bathroom, and a workplace as well. You see the table and the computer set. That one will be yours. You can also use that shelf for your books. Be ready for enrolling to your school in three weeks."-he said. I nodded. "I will freshen up first."-I said. "Go ahead."-he said and went to his workplace. He is a workaholic person. When I went out, I change my clothes and decided to review some of my books from the past semester. "I need your help. Can you encode these data? It will be a short period of time. I have to read some reports from the office." "No problem with me. Let me see—yikes!" I tried not to let him see how painful it was. I stab my toe on the couch. Gosh, it hurts so badly! I always hurt myself that I even have bruises every time! "Do you need to wear glasses?" "No! I m totally fine! This is just a combination of bad luck and clumsiness. You will get used to it as much as I do."-I said. I am trying to laugh away my embarrassment. I type the files that he is talking about. This is about the sales of one of their companies. He is indeed an heir of a multibillionaire. "Can you pass me that paper?" "Here."-I said and give it to him without looking. When I feel like he didn t get it, I look at him. "Oh my gosh, I m sorry."-I said. I put them on the table. I stood up and look at his face closely. I even held his cheeks to see his nose if it s bleeding. I didn t realize he was too close that my hand extend up to his face. I think I smashed his nose. "You literally hurt my nose, Roselyn."-he said. "I really didn t mean to. Does it hurt? Is it bleeding? Oh gosh, I m really sorry."-I said. He get s serious. "If you re sorry, then kiss me."-He said. Say, what?!

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