Chapter 01

Natalie’ POV According to ancient legends, werewolves were once common wolves, guardians of the human race. As much as they love humans, they envy them and their ability to walk, talk and do all the things they will never be able to do. So the wolves got up and became human, mimicking them and acting like them, but it wasn't enough. They become very jealous. So they prayed to the moon and nature, asking her to grant them the power to become human (this is where the myth of the moon comes from). Finally, they got what they wanted, and werewolves were born. A creature that can incarnate human and animal forms and live in harmony. They are sometimes called Canes or Lymen. After a while, humans became jealous of the werewolves' strength and abilities and drove them out. That's why werewolves don't interact with humans anymore. As thousands of years passed, humans forgot about wolves and began to hunt them for meat and pleasure. This infuriates the wolves, causing them to attack, but realizing that the powers they want come at a cost, and the humans they bite become just like them.They also realize that their children are born human Every gift has a price. Wolves retreated more into the wild and became completely isolated from human society, which gradually became the dominant creature on earth.For now, werewolves continue to hide in the wild, looking both human and beast. Some werewolves live closer to civilization and even secretly among humans. Some wolves (even the ones we see in the wild) don't even know they have the ability to become human. Some do, some don't. I'm sitting by the window reading stories about our ancestors. Yes, that's right, our ancestors. I, Natalie, am a werewolf. Over thousands of years, werewolves drifted away from humans. With the exception of a few werewolves who blend in, most of us live in isolation. Such as a high snowy mountain, deep in a forest or a remote desert. We, the Frozen Moon Pack, live in the mountains beyond human reach. Here I am sitting in the library of the ice castle we made. Our civilization has also developed along with human civilization.We use technology and wear human clothes. On this snowy mountain, I could wear a gauzy skirt and not feel cold. After reading for two hours, I went back to my room to have a rest. I was walking past the castle garden when I saw my sister crying. In fact, the garden is not really a garden in a sense. Because it has no real flowers. The so-called flowers are made by carvers with ice, snow and paint. I approached my sister and put my right hand around her shoulder. "Tionne, what's going on? “ My sister's name is Tionne and she is a year older than me. She has brown hair and green eyes. She put her face in her hands and wept bitterly. "Natalie, my father and the elders want me to marry into Proud Eagle Pack! Because of that stupid peace treaty!” Tionne said angrily as she sobbed. "Peace treaty? What peace treaty? “ I asked, puzzled, having never heard of such a treaty before. "The elders said we signed with Proud Eagle when we were kids," she explained. In order that there would be no war between the two tribes, a marriage was signed between the firstborn son and the firstborn daughter. My happiness will be sacrificed for peace! With what? !” "Yes, we could fight a war. We don’t have to sign such a humiliating treaty. And what about Doran if you are required to honor the treaty? “ My sister stunned for a moment, and then cried even more bitterly. Doran is her mate. The moon goddess as our patroness will match the most suitable male-Wolf with She-Wolf, and then make sure that when they both turn 18, they can feel special when they meet. There will also be sparks when they touch each other. The elder sister and Doran discovered each other last year after the elder sister turned 18. I just turned 18 this year and haven't met my mate yet. Maybe I don't even have one. I held my sister's hand, trying to see her future, but nothing. “Or I'll go!”A good idea suddenly occurred to me. "How can it be! I heard that the alpha of Proud Eagle Pack was a very cruel man. I don't want to go, and I don't want you to suffer for me. “ Tionne said worryingly. I patted her on the back and comforted her, saying, "They haven't seen us, so they can't tell us which one is the elder sister. Also, I decided to ask my father to send a picture of me first. Perhaps he will take the initiative to refuse me when he sees my strange appearance. “ Yes, I have a strange look. I don't look like anyone in my pack. Everyone in our group has brown hair, green or black eyes. Just me, with white hair and blue eyes. My different looks always made me feel like an outlier in my pack. “I'm going to find father. “ Tionne was trying to say something more, but I cut her off and ran to find my father. Alpha of the Frozen Moon Pack, Orestes. I knocked on the door and entered my father's office. The father and the elders were discussing reconciliation. My father looked up at me. "Natalie, what's up? “ "Father, I have heard of the peace treaty, and I know that you are troubled by it. So I decided to get married instead of my sister. “ I told my father and the elders what I thought. The elders looked at each other, not knowing what to say. It was a long time before my father said, "Natalie, you're being ridiculous.The agreement we made was a marriage of firstborn.“ "I know. But they don't know who's the elder sister, do they? And we can send them my picture first. They might tear up the treaty after seeing my picture.“ I went on to explain my idea. “What's more, my sister has already found her mate. It is very painful for her to abandon her destined mate and marry someone else. I haven't found my mate yet, so I don't have that worry.“ The father and the elders were silent. After a long time, my father told the elders to leave, leaving me alone in his office. "Natalie, do you know what this means? Your secret may be discovered.”My father put his hands on my shoulders and said, worried. “Dad, you don't have to worry about it. I hid it very well here, and I will do the same in that pack. RIGHT now, I'm better suited to do it than my sister. We can send pictures first. Perhaps he will see it and reject me outright. “ I said happily. "Alas.” My father sighed. “If the vampires hadn't attacked us, we wouldn’t have lost so much. Then we wouldn't be forced to sign a humiliating treaty without the strength to fight back when the Proud Eagle Pack came to attack. Nor will you... “Instead of continuing the conversation, the father said, "Let’s try posting photos first. “
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