Chapter 23

”Uh… I was busy so I forgot about it…” Monique was stunned. She froze as if she had her acupuncture points pressed. Was he really angry? “Did you really forget about it, or were you not planning to return them?” Henry said while raising his brow. He glared at her with an arrogant look. He seemed like a beautiful, elegant leopard. He might seem nonchalant, but the aura coming off him was still rather threatening. What a petty man... He was really angry about it after all. The warmth Monique felt from him disappeared instantly. “Of course I was planning to return it…” ‘Who wants to keep your clothes!’ Monique pronounced her words but did not finish her sentence. She did not dare to piss him off as Little Nomi was still in the car. Who knew what he would do if he was angry? “Daddy, why don’t you come over to our house to take it? Mommy actually forgot about it!” Little Nomi thought that Daddy had misunderstood her mother. She tried her best to explain on her mother’s behalf. “Oh, that’s a good idea,” the man said slowly through his thin lips. His voice was lazy yet magnetic. His sexy, sharp brows were raised. Together with his natural beauty, he looked like a gorgeous devil. “No… No…” Monique rejected the idea right away. “It’s late… Little Nomi has to rest.” Her place was small and messy. It was no place for a guest, let alone a young master like him. Monique was firm on her decision. Truly, it was pretty late and Little Nomi had to rest. Moreover, if he… What was wrong with her today? Monique had been thinking about the moment he forced a kiss on her all day. She blushed unconsciously and hyperventilated! Monique parked the car by the pavement, turned around, raised her hand above her forehead, smiled, and said confidently, “I promise I’ll send it over tomorrow.” Her grin was accompanied by dimples that made her look beautiful than ever. Her clear, dark, and huge eyes blinked. Her serious face looked extremely adorable. Henry raised his brow and his cold gaze landed on Monique’s face. The pink, small lips on her tired, pale face were slightly open. It made him want to pull her into an embrace and bite her on her lips. Seeing that the man stared at her silently, Monique thought that he was angry again. This man’s temperament was difficult to guess, and he was not someone she should offend. She knew that this man could do anything once he became angry. After thinking it through, she softened her tone and said flirtatiously, “Please, I’ll return it tomorrow.” Henry wanted to laugh out loud seeing how embarrassed and shy she was. This woman was fun to toy with—she was pretty flexible. “If you don’t return it tomorrow, you’ll be punished.” The man grinned, and his cold yet magnetic voice had a hint of inherently royal aura. Monique was so scared, it was as if her blood was frozen. “Punishment?” What the hell! “If you don’t send it over, we’ll continue with the game we played at the office yesterday!” Henry smiled sinisterly. Monique was stunned. The abnormally handsome face in front of her seemed like it was smiling! Before Monique could make sense of what was going on, he opened the door and got out of the car. His movements were smooth like water, and there was a sense of elegance and class to him. Her heart stopped. Yesterday... At the office? What game would it be? Could it be the kiss? She looked up and watched him leave. It was only then that she realized that there had been a luxurious car tailing her. Henry opened the door and got into that car. Monique’s face was red again from thinking about what he just said. Monique was done with her errands pretty early the next day. His words from last night were haunting her so much that she could barely sleep a wink. “Pervert, creep!” Monique said angrily. She had to find a chance to sneak out and return the clothes to that *sshole. As she thought about how Henry threatened her last night, she was convinced that he might actually do something to her if she did not return the clothes today. Ring, ring, ring… The phone on the front desk rang. Monique paid attention to all calls at the front desk today. She wanted to see if there were any orders from Marriott International. “Monique, deliver the coffee. It’s for Marriott International,” Sacha shouted at Monique who was peeping from the back. “I’ll go, I’ll go,” Cindy shouted excitedly once she heard that it was an order from Marriott International. Her eyes were wide open before she realized that she seemed a little too excited about it. She grinned instantly and said, “Monique’s been working hard delivering coffee for the past two days!” Monique ran over as well once she heard that it was an order from Marriott International. She had been cracking her head for a chance to sneak out to return the clothes. She also was suspicious hearing what Cindy said. ‘That’s weird.’ Cindy usually stayed miles away from delivering orders. Why was she trying to compete with Monique for a delivery? If she did not have to return clothes, she would rather Cindy deliver the coffee herself. Cindy glared at Monique in disdain. Monique came back from delivering coffee wearing a high-class men’s suit the last time. Could that belong to the CEO? Impossible, how could it be? How could the CEO be into someone who looked like that? She must have been flirting with some old man in the company. The duo glared at each other awkwardly while being occupied with their own thoughts. Two days ago, Sacha made Monique deliver 20 cups of coffee to mess with her. He thought Monique would complain about it, but she ended up coming back excitedly while wearing a man’s clothes. What a promiscuous woman. Sacha had less and less respect for her. “Monique, do it,” he said coldly to Monique. He had yet to know Cindy’s intention. Cindy could not say that she wanted to go to be closer to Chairman Moore, so she said, “I’ll help Monique out.” Sacha did not reject the idea since Cindy insisted. He thought Cindy was such a genuine woman that she offered to help Monique despite being treated that way. “Monique!” As the duo arrived at the hall on the first floor, they heard a familiar voice. It was Louise. She stood meters away from them and waved at Monique. “How’re you, are you okay?” Monique asked out of concern after seeing it was Louise. “Yes, thank you so much for yesterday,” Louise pulled Monique and said thankfully. “I’ll buy you a meal whenever you’re free.” “No need for that, you don’t have to be so courteous,” Monique grinned. Seeing Monique talking to the receptionist, Cindy scoffed in disdain. She went upstairs with those few cups of coffee in her hand. Although she said she was helping Monique with the delivery, she only had four cups in hand. Cindy smiled arrogantly while looking at the four cups of coffee in her hands. No one wanted to help that b*tch deliver coffee anyway. If it was not to get closer to the handsome, rich CEO, she would not even waste her time on Monique. As she thought about the CEO’s perfect face, straight nose, captivating eyes, and fit body, Cindy could not wait to see him. He shone brighter than celebrities and looked extremely attractive to just about anyone. Cindy’s eyes were glowing, and she was as excited as a young fan who was about to meet her idol. “Mr. CEO, your coffee is here!” a woman’s flirtatious voice said. Cindy ran in on her own since there was no one at the front desk. Henry was working. He thought she was Monique and his lips curved. However, he looked up to find a woman with heavy makeup and a promiscuous gaze. The expression on his handsome face darkened, and his dark eyes had a cold and sharp gaze in them. He had a murderous aura to him. “Get lost, now!”

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