Knock, Knock - Who\'s There?

Adeline “The Luna said she’s all ours for tonight and to make an example out of her”, a deep voice uttered. My eyes struggled to flick open, I felt so tired and lethargic. In that split second, thoughts of how much I had drunk took over me thinking that I was facing the hangover of a lifetime. “Well then Asher, I already called for some chains to be brought in for our little prisoner here. I can’t wait to show you how a real wolf handles his prey”, another voice mocked. Where the hell am I? Did I go home with not one, but two strange men? More importantly, what had they expected to do with me? Panic set in deep within my chest. My wolf called out to me, “Addie, no matter what happens you have to believe that we’re stronger than this”. “Xavier, don’t be such a pussy. There’s no need for the chains, look at how fragile she is. There’s no chance that she’s going to fight”, Asher retorted with so much evil dripping from his voice. “No chance buddy, the chains are for my sheer amusement”, he chuckled, “but until then, I think it’s time to give our little wolf here exactly what she wanted when she tried to fuck the Alpha”. My ears were alert coming to the realization that these sick bastards were trying to chain me up like a dog and get their way with me. Their scents were making me want to instantly vomit, the one closest to me, the wolf named Xavier, smelt like a bad bottle of Axe body spray. The other, Asher, smelt like an overkill of citrus. Their scents made it easy to detect who was nearby and who was farther away. I was thankful for my wolf senses, I lay there bracing for what was to come. I kept my eyes cemented shut, praying that they would have enough compassion to leave a knocked out she-wolf alone. There was no such luck for me though, my wolf perked up as she heard the sound of metal jingling immediately recognizing that Asher was taking his belt off. I felt a lash of pain encompass my left thigh with the whip of his belt; the warmth of the agony slowly took over my body. I couldn’t manage to pretend to still be knocked out any longer as I screamed in pain and my eyes snapped open. I glared at the cement walls that were trapping me in while my recollection of my encounter with Alpha Jaxon and Luna Beverly submerged into my mind. The ground I lay upon was ice cold, my dress was tattered alongside the torso, although I was thankful it was still covering something. What did I do?, Why did I think getting that close to the Alpha would solve all my problems?, How could I be so stupid?, I was screaming at myself internally. I bestowed this upon myself, I’d be lucky to walk out of this cell alive. Still thoughts of betrayal washed over me. I felt as if Alpha Jaxon ripped my heart out and dragged it through the woods. I knew I was just another wolf in his pack but it still hurt. My wolf was disappointed in our Alpha too. The man I had seen last night gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as cruel and heartless as I was led to believe my entire life. The thought brought me back to how his gold eyes connected with mine, it felt like he was asking for acceptance from my wolf and I. The way his lips touched my neck made me feel like his heart too was skipping a beat at our touch. Why did he even allow for things to escalate how they did if he didn’t care? But, he was the Alpha of our pack now and he allowed this torture to come to me, which was a fact that I knew true. If he had even a glimmer of care for me, I wouldn’t be locked in a freezing cement cage with two savages and left to be tortured to their will and darkest desires. Considering I was facing death regardless, I knew I wouldn’t leave this world without a fight. I knew they were bigger and stronger than I was, but I owed it to myself, my wolf, parents, Leah and Bailey to fight and fight hard, I would do. A bloodthirsty smile came from the wolf who I assumed was Xavier, given off by his scent, “good evening princess, it was about time you joined us. We didn’t want you missing out on all the fun”. I scowled at him as I quickly thought about all the ways I could throw him off his feet and then I would run, I would run faster than I ever have. I curled up into a ball and shuffled myself into the corner of the cell, losing more sequins off of my dress with every push of my legs. I knew I had to fight but I couldn’t hold back the dam of emotions that jostled through as tears began to drop from my eyes. The look of the devil took over Asher’s face as he continued to peel off his clothing, piece by piece, until he was left in only his boxers. Before setting his cargo pants down, a flicker of a blade from his pocket caught my attention. He reached deep into the pocket of the beige cargo pants and pulled it, taunting me with a single wrist movement. He moved closer until he was squatted in front of me. “Looks like today is your lucky day little slut”, emphasizing little slut as if it was to shake me down, “ it seems to us that you got a two for one deal. Isn’t our Luna so gracious? How about you decide which one you would like down your throat and which one you’d like deep inside of you?”, he taunted with absolutely no sympathy in his voice. I could see his boxers tighten around him, an erection growing right in front of me. I couldn’t believe he was getting off at seeing me so small and so scared. I gritted through my teeth in anguish gathering all the courage I had left, “You really think I’m that desperate and have no one else to fuck except for you two?”, I laughed hysterically hoping that I was masking my fear, “Here’s an idea, why don’t you go jerk off to that gracious Luna of yours?”. My taunting was not taken well as he sliced his knife into the side of my torso, blood oozing out of the cut. The smell of copper was filling the air of my blood. Before he could lift his knife from the incision, “Did I strike a nerve sweetheart? I wonder what’s got you in tangles – could it be another she-wolf has no interest to fuck you or your hard on for your Luna?”, I plastered the sweetest smile I could muster. His look of shock mixed with anger told me he was too focused on the words I had just said, I took that as my moment of opportunity as I lunged forward, canines enlarged and bit his arm as hard as I could clamp down. Xavier moved promptly and grabbed my hair from behind, forcing me to give in as he yanked harder. “I can see why the Alpha thought she was interesting, he’s always loved a chase”, he chuckled to Asher as he confidently grabbed Asher’s black leather belt from his hand and looped it around my neck, “I guess she’s decided who’s taking her sweet little mouth first”. He gave Asher a slight nod as stood tall and completely pulled his boxers down. The dick that was swaying in my face repulsed me; he stood there stroking his hard shaft in an up and down motion. I felt whatever was left of my dress pulling upwards until I could feel that my white mesh panties were fully exposed. Fingertips loomed at the top of my thong while he jerked the belt tighter around my neck. The leather chafed around my neck, it would should surely leave a bruise. I never felt more like an animal than in that moment, I was a born wolf with primal instincts after all, but this felt like a piece of my innocence was robbed from me. A loud clash came from the hallway located outside the cell. It was evident that someone was in the main foyer of the cages. Asher and Xavier both paused for a split second until Xavier spit out, “The chains. The chains are here. It’s going to be a long night for you, our little slutty wolf”. He smirked directly beside my ear and yelled out “bring them directly in the cell, we may even give you a turn”. As the words came out of his mouth, his breath hit right against my ear until his chapped lips latched onto my earlobe.

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