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The Alpha's Triple Lunas

The Alpha's Triple Lunas

By: Webfic
Updated up to Chapter 89
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It wasn't an ideal fishing weather and they had strayed past their village boundaries. But would Margaret listen? Lydia tried convincing her second oldest sister that they could get in trouble for one, leaving the house without permission. Two, for coming to a forest's river to fish. The river was out of bound for fishing. But of course, Margaret won't listen, she would rather begin yelling on how she always opposes her and is disrespectful to her and only respectful to Evelyn, their older sister. Lydia turned to Evelyn, she was just quiet, not even trying to convince Margaret to forfeit the fishing. 'Fine, I'm leaving. If you two want, do as you like!" Lydia stomped off expecting her sisters to follow her. Evelyn did and soon after Margaret. Of course, not without grumbling 'She always opposes me". Lydia wanted to bring up a to brighten the mood but Margaret counted it. 'Stop wait" she stretched her both hands to stop her sisters. Margaret wanted to protest till her ears caught some growling sounds. 'Killer wolves!" Margaret suddenly shouted and began running, the others followed. The very hungry wolf pack, which were just passing by, heard Margaret's screams and began chasing the trail. Margaret kept on screaming, it seemed to add strength to her legs. Lydia wanted to turn to see how far back the wolves were but her body only wanted to run.

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