Chapter 1 Nerdy nerd —01

I'm Erza. 7 years ago, our kingdom was attacked. My dad Aron, the werewolf king and my mom Kelly were killed during the war but I got a narrow escaped. During these 7 years, I acted weak as an omega, living a poor life. And since then, the whole meaning of my life was revenge for my parents, revenge for my kingdom. I entered Rosewood High to see a big building entering my view. This was the best werewolf school in the entire werewolf world and they were known to be very strict, disciplined and demanded perfection. I worked hard for my entire life to enter this school. Without a scholarship, I couldn't afford to study here. Everyone here screamed wealth from the expensive cars that were lined in the parking to the expensive clothes they were wearing. I stood out in my 5 years old worn—out sweatshirt, faded jeans and white sneakers But I didn't care My motive was only one and by coming here I managed to get one step closer to it. As I walked in people were giving me looks of disgust, hate and pity Some were even laughing while pointing fingers st me I was a master in ignoring Well, I mastered it with time and now their words or looks didn't matter. I made my way towards the office and collected my schedule. In the hallways, I was surrounded by many powerful auras Rosewood high had the topmost powerful Alphas of the world The best of best Alphas, Betas and Gammas studied here and entry of an omega like me will definitely make me a laughing stock for them. 1st period was werewolf history As I was making my way towards my class looking straight ahead I heard a loud growl from my side The growl had a lot of power Enough power to raise goosebumps on your body This man was surely powerful I turned around to see that now everyone was moving towards the windows I made my way towards them to see a fight going on the fighting Arena outside. In the middle stood a big brown wolf with brown eyes, opposing him was dark brown one which was much smaller in size. The fight ended as fast it started With a minute the dark brown wolf was down on the ground unconscious. Everyone started cheering "Eric!!Eric!!Eric!!" The girls were going crazy, some even cried in happiness when he looked at them He was surely handsome with that 6 feet structure, ripping muscled and cute dimples. But I knew better that he was nothing but cute His aura was deadly unlike anyone's here. I was openly staring at him trying to decipher his mystery when his dark brown eyes met mine. I thought he would ignore me just like he ignored his fangirl but boy I was wrong His eyes never left mine He continued to stare at me While the girls behind and around me continued to shriek thinking that he was watching them I stood frozen Unable to decide what to do It was like he was seeing through my soul from my eyes Such was the intensity of his stare I turned around breaking our eye contact Making my way out of the crowd I headed towards my class lost in my thoughts Why would he stare at me like that Maybe because he could feel that I was an omega But no one cared for an omega then why would he? I made it to my first class on time and sat beside a girl in glasses, her aura was friendly unlike others so I decided to make a friend here. She looked at me through those thick glasses as I took the seat beside her, she was staring at me as if I committed a crime "Hi!! I am Ezra!! Can I sit here?" "Yess,you can but—" she got interrupted when our teacher arrived The class went smooth and once the period ended my seat buddy decided to warn me "Hi!! I am Aria !! But please from next time don't sit next to me!! It is for your own good" She said and made her way towards the door I stopped her by blocking her path "But why?" "Ummm let's just say that the seat you sat on is taken, he was not here today but if he would have been you would have to face the worst humiliation of your life" "Ookay but who is he?" "Eric Jones .the Beta of the future King" With that, she was gone leaving me in my thoughts So the person from who won the fight and was staring at me in the Arena was Eric The Future Beta Well, things just got interesting!! I just found a pawn in my game of revenge.
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