Chapter 17

"Forget it. You're not fit to have it anyway." Michael pushed my arm aside and turned to leave. I ignored him. He was just acting up as usual. I walked into my bedroom and started packing what I needed for going abroad. There were only two months left. Time would pass by in a blink of an eye. I'd be free before I even knew it. … Back then, I'd been so gullible to believe everything would be over once I left the country in two months. Never had it occurred to me that Michael would be the reason I died. As fate would have it, Michael was the one who saved my life, and he also turned out to be the reason it ended. In the end, we were even. The rumbling of thunder brought me back to the present. I gave myself a hard slap, but I felt no pain. It was only then that I came to terms with the fact that I was already dead. I no longer had to live in pain and suffering anymore. A police car came and took Steve away, who was out cold. The ambulance had also taken Benson away. "Mr. For

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