Chapter 18 Break Off The Engagement

The day before the wedding, Jared Crawford’s butler was ordered to make a trip to the Sanders residence. The Sanders family was bustling about at that moment for the wedding. When the butler arrived with a team of people, Janice’s parents welcomed them with joy because they thought the people had dropped by to send some gifts. In the end, the butler informed Janice’s parents that the wedding was canceled. Janice had stayed in her room because she wanted to be reserved, but she was perturbed after hearing the news, hence she dashed out. “The wedding’s canceled? Why?” The butler replied to her word by word, “It’s Mr. Crawford’s idea.” “I don’t believe it! Jared told me that he wants to marry me! How can he change his mind the day before the marriage?” Janice shouted because it was too absurd and too unbelievable, “I want to meet Jared! Now!” “Mr. Crawford doesn’t want to see you.” The butler shook his head. Janice yelled furiously, “You dirty dog! Get lost!!” The butler w

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