Chapter 14 What Is The Truth

After he finished applying the cream gently, Julian threw the tube aside. “Okay! Remember to apply this three times a day by yourself after this.” “Okay,” Susan said softly. Julian snorted, “It was likely the jewelry store staff who put that in! A store staff wouldn’t have had the guts to frame you. This must be the doings of Mandy Ainsley. The Ainsley family...Hmph!” His smile turned cold. He had not taken any action against anyone in a long time, hence some people had obviously forgotten about his ruthless ways. “It might not be Mandy,” Susan said softly. “Are you on her side?” Julian looked at her with scorn, “She snatched your beloved Luke Jenkins away.” Susan laughed bitterly. “I can’t blame anyone about Luke and me. We can only blame our fate. Now, he’s happy with Mandy and I wish them happiness.” “You are quite selfless.” Julian squinted. “Well, he’s got Mandy and I’ve got you,” Susan said naturally. I’ you…? CEO Shaw’s last traces of jealousy disappeared at that instant

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