Chapter 49 Stop

“How long are you going to stay there? Is it extra comfortable in my arms?” Julian lowered his head and said softly. “What a narcissist!” Susan said sullenly. “Or should I say that you’re afraid of seeing your ex-boyfriend getting married and will be too sad till you cry, so you’d rather not watch?” Julian retorted calmly, “Susan, the wedding is going to be a long night. You can’t keep hiding like this.” As Susan’s thoughts were exposed, she bit her lower lip. She would not cry in sadness though. It was just that they had once deeply loved and were forcibly separated. Seeing Luke get married would no doubt cause her heart to be in agony. On the other hand, she felt that it would be awkward to appear at this function. Since Julian had already said it though, if she continued to hide, it would only make her look suspicious. Susan thought about it and felt that she should not stay in his arms. However, when she moved, he adjusted his stance. He exerted force with his arm and turned around

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