Fated Destiny: The Last Dragon King (Book 4) novel

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Alpha King's Mate (Book 4 Hybrid Aria)
By: Webfic Can't believe the Moon goddess my own great great great grandmother would curse her own grandson to a life of misery. Blessings are what they say mates are, mine are a curse. Before I knew how badly mates could destroy you, tear apart your soul, I craved mine. Craved finding my other half, now I know better. Mate’s are a distraction one I couldn’t afford, yet here I am still searching for my little white wolf knowing I will be damned when I finally catch her, that I will once again have to tear off another piece of my soul when I am forced to kill this one too. Mate’s are no blessing and the Moon Goddess, well I have given up on her, my mother is a pure hybrid a direct descendant of the Moon goddess herself,making her the hybrid Queen until she handed her title to me stepping down, now I am the cursed Alpha king. My father was a werewolf so the only good thing I got out of my mother being a hybrid was being the ultimate predator, luckily I was also blessed with a wolf. My twin sisters were like my mother, just hybrid's, no wolf's no shifting, my younger brothers were like me though, tends to run in the female side the hybrid genes. I only craved blood in wolf form, my sisters craved it all the time. My family were the only hybrids except for the mutations made by Kade a crazy scientist who was hellbent on revenge for a feud that had nothing to with us only my grandfather but that didn’t stop for trying to destroy us, he used my grandfathers blood to become immortal we thought after finally killing the bastard everything was going to be fine. Well until I found my first mate, she was a hunter and what a disaster that was. I was blinded by the mate bond and she was using me to get to my pack, my family so knowing that it ended in her death. I won't stand for betrayal and having to kill her destroyed me. Yet now my grandmother has decided to fiddle with the Fates again and give me another dud for a mate. A second chance mate and this one has been eluding me for months now.
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By: Webfic *****Warning: this book contains mature content which may not be suitable for younger audience. Elena Lockser didn't know who she was until she encounters Aiden Crook. Aiden Crook never believes in a second chance at love until Elena walked through his office. As soon as we stepped into the living room, I breathed out deeply and gazed at him. "I meant, I want to go back to Renee, to my friend." I said. "You are not going anywhere." He stated calmly as if afraid he would lose his temper anytime soon. "You can't tell me to stay here. I don't know you. I don't know what you are. I don't know if I would be your next prey. Please just let me go in peace, please." I didn't realize I was crying until I tasted the saltiness of the tears. "Shut up, I don't want to lose my temper here." He pinched the bridge of his nose, before exhaling slowly. His broad shoulder moved with each breath he took. "Why are you detaining me here? Do you want to kill me? Who are you?" "So many questions in a sentence." He tutted. "Just tell me who you are and why are you keeping me here? I want to fucking know!" Aiden stared at me with uncertainty before stepping towards me. I scurried back, slamming into the door. He pushed me to it violently and I winced in pain at the force. His eyes flickered from the blue it was to a golden yellow and a fang appeared in place of his canine. I shrieked as he continued pressing his elbow in my neck. "This is me, sweetness and you are fated to be with me don't forget that. You are to be my Luna!"
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Amending Destiny
By: Webfic His eyes were red . The girl in front of him was looking all innocent but she was behind all his miseries . He badly wanted to throw her out of the house . If it wasn't for her parents he would have throw her out of the house .He controlled his inner beast . ' Listen you gold digger I am giving you a day . A single day pack your cloths and get the hell out of my house . ' The girl in front of him shivered like a leaf in storm . He came dangerously close to her . She felt his breath and so did he . ' Or else I will show you what happens to gold digger like you . I am not interested in you . But I will make your life hell .And I am man of my words .' His eyes were précising her soul . ************************** ' No no please I beg you don't this to me . Please you can hit me, beat me but don't touch me . Please . ' She cried in agony . She can't take it anymore . She is tired of this life . She felt pathetic . ' Shhh!!! Dove I am with you . I am so sorry . For me you are in this condition . I am so sorry . ' He couldn't control his tears anymore . He actually made her life hell . *************************** *Will you ever be able to forgive the person who made your life hell ?* *Will you ever be able to spend your life whom you hate ?* *Will you ever be able to amend your destiny?* Join the journey of Advika and Siddharth to find how they find love in pain and sorrow, in repentance and grief, in hate and lie. Remember not every love is selfless. This is the story of beast's selfish love for his beauty.
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