When Stars Align

When Stars Align

By: Webfic
Updated up to Chapter 142
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Suzy has been secretly in love with Leonard for seven years, and when she finally became Mrs. Xu, everyone laughed at her for suddenly flying up the branches as a pheasant who turn into a phoenix. But she didn't care, what she cared about was that Leonard was finally hers. When Suzy first married Leonard, she felt that it didn't matter if he didn't love her, it would be fine if he would love her in the future. But Leonard had no heart. She has money, beauty, and a perfect body. Why should she waste her life on Leonard who was a robot with no emotions? The divorce agreement Suzy prepared has been directly signed by Leonard. From now on, the sky was high and the ocean was wide. She walked brightly with young and fresh men by her side. After the divorce, Leonard was able to see his ex-wife's scandals on the trending list within three to five minutes. Yesterday, she was sharing dinner with the head of a start-up company, and today she was building a nest of love with a rookie actor. Leonard held his mobile phone in one hand, and typed, "You should all go screw yourselves! This is my woman!" Suzy, who has been living a colorful life, asked, "Who are you, sir?"

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